Early Childhood Development

Help a Child is known as a professional, reliable and innovative child development organization with strong expertise on Early Childhood Development (ECD), Parenting and Child Protection. We are there where children with the most needs are living.

What happens in the early years of a childā€™s life lays the foundation for future health, education, and economic outcomes. Help a Child wants all children to receive the stimulation and care they need in the early years to develop to their full potential.

Millions of young children are not receiving the nutrition or health care they need, growing up exposed to violence, polluted environments and extreme stress. They miss out on opportunities to learn and are deprived of the stimulation that their developing brains need to thrive. Their parents and caregivers struggle to get the time, resources and services necessary to provide their children with nurturing care in these contexts.

Help a Child wants all children to receive the stimulation and care they need in the early years to develop to their full potential. We use an integrated approach for children in the age of conception up to school entry (0-6 years). Within the whole range of possible activities on early childhood development, Help a Child is focusing on three key elements: Community-based Early Childhood Centers, Parenting and Child Protection.


Main activities

  • Promoting and enhancing Early Childhood Education initiatives
  • Strengthening the capacity of community-based Early Childhood Development Centers and supporting their caregivers
  • Ensuring a seamless transition from Early Childhood Development to primary education
  • Designing and delivering parenting programs, such as ‘The Parenting Challenge’

Partner with us!


Do you want to get involved in supporting Early Childhood Development with your company, fund, church, or school? Partner with us in Foundations 4 Life.

Foundations 4 Life



Early Childhood DevelopmentĀ 
Impact Report 2023

Key Statistics 2023


Young children supported


Early Childhood Development Centers supported


parents involved in parenting and awareness sessions

Early Childhood Development Impact report 2023